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Political Scientists on Mastodon

Follow all your favourite political scientists

This page is intended to assist political scientists making the Twitter Migration or just generally joining Mastodon and trying to find their "tribe." This page lists accounts from political scientists and offers an easy method to follow multiple accounts at once.

Steps to use the list:

  1. Decide and check the boxes below for which accounts you want to follow.
  2. Download the .csv file.
  3. Upload the .csv file to Mastodon to bulk-follow accounts. Here are short instructions on how to do this.
After importing the list to your account, I strongly recommend spot-checking that accounts were added to your follows after a few hours. Server lag (especially right now) means it can take awhile. But there has also been some weird, finicky behavior, so verifying that accounts were added correctly is a good idea.

Adding, Updating, Removing Your Listing

Want to get on the list?
Fill this form to be added. Or, email me or DM me.

Want to update your information?
Add what you study? Have you moved instances?
Fill this form to update your information.

On the list and don't want to be anymore?
Fill this form to be removed. Or, email me or DM me.

The list should be updated every ~24 hours.

The List - Political Scientists on Mastodon

Accounts by handle, name, profile link, and topics of study (most recent additions first)

Full name matches whatever you provide in the form when signing up (or, if you join outside the form (via email or DM), whatever is included in your profile). If you want to be removed from the list, see form and contact options above. If you are on the list and did not request this, please email me directly.